Saturday, April 24, 2010


Copyright 2010 Dr. Jack Barnathan - All Rights Reserved

Dr. Barnathan's Motivational Talk / Podcast download:
Creating Radical Change - The 8 Steps

1. Make Peace with Meals. Make peace with your workouts. Introduce yourself (for the first time?) to the SCIENTIFIC FACT that growth occurs during RECOVERY time, (sleep, good meals, good attitude, relaxation, muscle-work like massage, chiropractic, flexibility training, recovery style yoga...) and not by pushing and forcing our bodies to go into a "failure" state of complete exhaustion. Mother Nature changes when she senses her environment has changed, like the seasons (not a hurricane). If she senses a threat she will fight hard to keep all the same. This causes mother nature (the Medulla of the brain) to only work HARDER to put you right back where you started (homeostasis). We must 'coax' her toward change. Invite her gently. Never force.

Yes, that means that the fat cells that were depleted through your workout will be the FIRST to be re-filled after you eat. You lose no body fat. You do damage. You get nowhere.

2. Get quiet. Your best ideas, inspirations and paths to follow will come to you when you are “quiet” enough to HEAR the guidance that is within you. Within your experiences. Within the strength and life knowledge you have gained, but rarely give yourself enough credit for. Be still and know that you can. If you can IMAGINE a goal, it can be yours. Truly, your mind couldn’t be wrapped around an idea or goal you couldn’t do. Quiet comes from our breathe first. Begin to learn to breath from the diaphragm and ribs. “Yoga Breathe”. Begin with a full ‘inhale’ that seeks to fill the BOTTOM of your lungs...your belly area. Don’t lift your shoulders up and down like a nervous sparrow. Feel your diaphragm drop down and out, and the ribs separate as the air is ‘welcomed’ by the vacuum your breathing muscles are creating. Invite the breath and the nutrients it will deliver. When you exhale you are loosing much waste from the cell metabolism throughout the body. Let it go with a full but gentle exhale.

3. Be hungry enough for improvement to do something about it. What are the reasons for your desire for change. Make them COMPELLING. Specific and put emotion behind them. How will they change your life, and the life of those you love in a powerful, even RADICAL way?

Focus them in a POSITIVE phrase. If we try to be both negative an positive in the same situation, our subconscious cannot grasp where you want to go. Instead of “I have to leave this job” focus on “I’m open to finding the right place and people I can make a significant contribution to.”

4. In your journal (all should have one) you will outline the desires of your heart. Make them vivid. Let yourself go. Be creative. Try to remember the things that excited you as a child. When dreams were filling you daily. Night and Morning read your desires like prayers. Thoughtfully. Prayerfully. Make changes that are inspired...breath into them...meditate on them.

Keep your Journal with you all day and make changes as they come. And they will come if your in the flow of change. Make sure changes are for your good and for “all” around you.

5. Possibility over Negativity
As your desires come dancing into your mind, focus on the many ways you CAN achieve them, rather than the few challenges that may come your way occasionally. Write these down and when you are in a negative mood or the "cant's" seem to be outweighing the "can do" belief, review in your journal all the strengths, ideas, people, etc you have on your side. That's part of what a good journal will do. Act as a reminder of the positives you have and are striving for. If you repeat enough positive affirmations (remembrances) each day it becomes harder and harder to focus on the "I cant's because...".

Fill yourself with positives by the way you talk, walk, answer the phone, write e-mails, etc.

6. Do the best you can, where you are with what you’ve got.
Theodore Roosevelt

Don’t be overwhelmed with “there is so much to do”.

One step. Then two. Then three...

Focus on, and be proud of each step you complete (rather than “I could have done more today…”). Be gentle with yourself.

As Napoleon Hill used to say "be patient, but be persistent".

And most of all focus on your desires with each step. Dreams. Passions.

And have faith...
in the good that needs to be expressed. In the good you can do for others. There are people who will DIE without the one thing YOU can UNIQUELY give them alone through your service and caring. There are people who will only hear your words from you because you best speak their language. You are the person they can relate to. Respect.

And especially keep sacred the quiet time morning and night when you focus and fine tune your goals. Be as faithful to it as you hope the “universe” to be faithful to you.

7. You wouldn’t be able to if you couldn’t imagine it. If you can imagine a brighter future, then you have the "stuff" inside you to achieve it.

Giggle when thinking about it. It wouldn’t even be in your mind if it wasn’t a possibility so “claim your good...and press your claim”.

In other words, what the mind can conceive, and believe, it can and will achieve with a Positive Mental Attitude. (as W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill so passionately proclaimed in "Success through a Positive Mental Attitude").

And make your dreams your own. Don’t fasten your dreams on someone else. This “flow” comes through you like the winds of the changing seasons. Start to believe that the ‘higher’ beliefs of our mind and character are constantly working to be free. Create a space. A welcome for them.

Release your imprisoned splendor…

8. Be appreciative and when in doubt, ALWAYS say thanks.

Be grateful for every single good thing that comes your way, and as for the things you don’t have...yet, also give thanks. Be grateful for the strength and determination and joyous drive you have to create a vacuum... a space for your unique and powerful good, to arrive.

If we try to "force" a workout, or "force" people to like us it always results in frustration and failure - doesn't it? So instead view your radically new and inspiring "good" - your service or ability or job or whatever as looking for YOU! It's not that someone or something else has to change but instead WE must be that change and create a positive, yes even radical change so the good that's been looking for us will recognize us.

And instead of thinking we have to force things, we'll realize that our inspired good will lift us like angels gently pushing us and lifting us from behind. Claim your good and bless your claim today.

Copyright 2010 Dr. Jack Barnathan - All Rights Reserved